by アスキー・メディアワークス



ASCII Media Works is give in the book · WEB · app, it is "COMIC it" only a free viewing application.

毎月15日頃(1月除く)発売のCOMIC it本誌にて好評連載中の『少年王女』や『ひそひそ-silentvoice-』などを、発売日に同日配信! 全掲載作品を無料でいつでも気軽に読むことができます。さらに『ハカセがっ!!』などの人気作品を毎週金曜日に更新中。そのほか読者プレゼント企画や、連載作品に関する最新情報も随時お届けしています。個性あふれる作家陣が描く、本格派オトナ女子のためのコミックを是非お楽しみください!Etc. around 15th of every month (except January) "boy princess" in the popular series by COMIC it magazine released and "whispers -silentvoice-", and delivered the same day to Release Date! All published works for free at any time can be read with ease. Updated during every Friday the popular works such as addition, "Hakase wants!". That and other readers present plan, the latest information about series work also it is to deliver at any time. Personality full of writer team draw, please enjoy the comics for authentic adult women by all means!【Ver1.1.1 の変更点】・ヘルプにプライバシーポリシーについて記載しました